Child sleeping during the day on blanket in the shade.

Agaminan Taoussa, Niger basin, Mali 2002

After party in Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, European Capitals of Culture
After party in Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, European Capitals of Culture
After party in Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, European Capitals of Culture

Amsterdam Culturele Hoofdstad / After Party 1986

James Coleman, artist 1986

Jeroen Henneman, artist 1986

The second mass blockade at the Dodewaard nuclear power station. Taco Anema, Photography, Art, Documentary, Journalist

18 September 1981

The second mass blockade at the Dodewaard nuclear power station. 

Because the distance between the tent camp and the power station was too great the previous year, a site one and a half kilometres away was occupied on Friday. The plan is to build shelters on the access roads to protect them from the weather and to reinforce the blockades. When the masses march to the plant on Saturday afternoon, there will be around 15,000 people. The material to build the anti-nuclear village can be easily taken away, but is mainly used to build barricades on the bridge, right in front of the ME. The atmosphere is good when, for no apparent reason, a huge amount of tear gas is fired into the crowd. Blind panic ensues: people run over each other, are pushed into the barbed-wire barricades and run for cover while vomiting. Most of the wounded were injured: more than 130, 15 of whom had to be taken to hospital. The rest of Saturday and especially the night between Saturday and Sunday saw fierce fighting. 

The violence to which the demonstrators were subjected was enormous

The violence to which the demonstrators were subjected was enormous: violent attacks, a lot of gas, also spread by spray cans and some kind of fire extinguishers, arrest teams beating up nobody and nothing, etc. On Sunday, 500 over-50s will come to the power station to show their solidarity. For the occasion, the ME will take off the combat vest and put on the 'peace vest'. Under pressure from right-wing thugs, used by the mayor as an ultimatum, it is decided to lift the blockades and leave the action camp on Tuesday morning. What should have been a simple conclusion to the week of action against nuclear power on Saturday 26 September turns into a huge protest against police violence in Dodewaard. The demonstration in Arnhem will see over 40,000 protesters against nuclear power and police brutality in Dodewaard!

Little girl on ferry Dover - Calais 2020 / Taco Anema, Photography, Art, Bio, About, Contact

Ferry Dover - Calais  2020

A photograph is not an opinion.

    Or is it?

Susan Lee Sontag
1933 - 2004 was an American writer, critic, and public intellectual. 

End of Part 2